
Month: May 2018

31 . 05 . 2018

Efficacy of the Autoimmune Protocol Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), are complex autoimmune gastrointestinal disorders, with frequent systemic manifestations. There is a component of genetic susceptibility, particularly in factors regulating the interaction between the immune system and the intestinal flora as well as environmental and dietary factors. These diseases tend to significantly impact the quality of life of patients.


31 . 05 . 2018

Low Fat vs. Low Carb Diet - 12 month study

Nowadays there is an intense debate about the most effective weight loss strategy. On one side, the low carbohydrate diet fans attribute the obesity epidemic to carbohydrate consumption. In opposition, the low fat advocates establish a direct association between fat intake and fat deposition in our bodies.

Categorias: Metabolism, Obesity

31 . 05 . 2018

Welcome to my blog

I like to follow the latest research, predominantly in the areas of nutrition and functional medicine. Here, I’ll write about the most interesting topics I come across. I also plan on sharing some case studies of patients I work with, in my practice, in order to shed some light on the approach used.

Hope you enjoy and, please feel free to comment, discuss and ask questions.

Thank you,

Daniel Leal

Categorias: Uncategorized